Hitler Assassination CLIP

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Response to Editorial #3

I do not care what becomes of the inferior capitalists under the weak roof of democracy. Germany is of no matter to Soviet Russia. England and France have brought this war upon themselves, and it will be no ones fault but theirs when their motherland no longer exists. Russia and Germany are in very good relations, and with the acquisition of part of Poland, Russia can grow and prosper in agriculture and industry alongside our ally: Germany. I do hope that this war goes quickly because it could potentially hurt the economy of Europe again, like after the great war. As for the Maginot Line, it is weak, and will not hold long. The French military is outdated, and the French are overly optimistic about the outcome of this war. The British will not stand a chance either. As for the Americans, they should stay out of this. They know not of the real meaning of this, and should not shove their overly large nose into matters of other nations.

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