Hitler Assassination CLIP

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Response to Editorial #3

This does scare me because of how horrible Blitzkrieg is and that the Maginot Line might be worse.  If the Maginot Line can beat the German Blitzkrieg will it mean that Hitler has met his match or his master Minister Charles De Gaulle?  I also wonder if the Germans are even prepared for the Maginot Line or they are just confident in themselves.  Soon we will find out who is superior and stronger.  I just want to hope that not many will get hurt in this and everyone will be safe.  I hope bunkers are as sturdy and indestructible as they seem so we can keep our french safe from the unstoppable Germans in their Blitzkrieg.  They did it once in the Great War lets hope we can do it again and stop the Blitzkrieg, it would safe so many lives if it stopped here lets hope it does.  Stay sate all you french fighting out there!

Helene Delattre

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