Hitler Assassination CLIP

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Editorial #1- Ira Hayes

Wow. Who would've thought that Germany could become so powerful. I thought they had been blamed for WWI. Weren't they in a great depression or something??? And why are they taking over small countries like Czechoslovakia and not Europe or Russia? I think they're trying to regain the land they had taken from them after WWI, but what do I know? I'm just a Pima Indian in the marines. But the thing that gets me the most about Germany taking over these small nations is that, the league of nations, isn't do anything!! What do they think, that Germany is too scared of war? I mean they're taking over Austria and Czechoslovakia, obviously they're not afraid of war!!!! Pay attention! I'm joining the Marines in case something bad happens. At least I'll be able to protect my homeland, even though F.D.R made a wise choice to stay neutral. But you can't guarantee U.S.A. will stay neutral ( see WWI). Well anyways, i should keep my mouth shut. Until next time. 
                                      -Ira Hayes

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