Hitler Assassination CLIP

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Editorial #9 response

     I fear what this world is coming to. Could Hitler possibly take over the whole world? Maybe. I say that if America has beaten German once in world war one, then they can do it again. World War two, to me, is just a sequel to World War one. Germany used to be one little nation, now its a good 1/4 of the world! I knew this was going to happen. And there is also Pearl Harbor. That was just awful! What was it three thousand lifes taken? I think so. And as I mention again, Hitler is not the only one. There is Hideki Tojo, Benito Mussillini, and Josef Stalin. All people that rule by power and fear. If I was a dictator or a leader or even someone people look up to I would want to rule by care, love, and respect. I understand that if you rule by power or fear you'll get what you want easier but sometimes you just got to know when to stop. Enough is enough. We want this war to stop! Stop the madness! Please consider what I said and maybe we could end all of this in a peaceful way.

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