Hitler Assassination CLIP

Monday, May 20, 2013

Response to Editorial #9

I don’t believe America will win a war on two fronts it is very hard to do that in general but against the Japanese and the Germans (who have already proved how powerful they are) it’s next to impossible especially since they still want to stay neutral but will fight if they have to.  I don’t think they are ready for this; this could be the fall of America considering the circumstances.  America does not really stand a chance against Japan and Germany, but who knows they could surprise us.  If America dies democracy will die with it, which would be terrible, even thought democracies can be weak at first they can grow into powerful, strong nations, the big dogs of the world.  Plus if the territory of America gets conquered, Germany and Japan will be unstoppable, with all the land they will get who will all of the lives of those Americans change.

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