Hitler Assassination CLIP

Sunday, May 19, 2013

In response to Albert Einstein

Wow! So true, Hitler is not the only bad guy here. You have said what I have been trying to say all along. Hitler and Company are villains. But let us not forget Mussilini who had an assassin murder a man who opposed facism. I believe there will be an end to this fighting one day perhaps tommorow perhaps years in the future.  We must continue on until then fighting for things we have nothing to do with. And how does Tōjō make people murder themselves. I mean, I wouldn't. So why would they. Something huge will end this war I can feel it in my bones. I wish this silliness would be over and I could go back home to the reservation and see the chief. He was torn when i told him I was going to war. He has no idea what Hitler, Stalin, and Tōjō are doing, we have to many problems at home.

I must continue to fight this endless war.


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