Hitler Assassination CLIP

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My last post

For all of you who wish me dead, I ask why. My country is thriving at one of it best because of me, and you wish me dead. I have made high Germany's self-esteem. Why do you focus on the sacrifices and not the benefit? Why do you see only the bad in a better outcome of good? I know why you don't see this. My theory is because you are not feeling our triumph first handed. I am ridding my country of parasites. The Jews are like weeds in a garden of beautiful blooming flowers. Weeds take up all the sunlight and water, leaving the better plants almost nothing left. No one wants them there anyways. This is our feeling toward the wretched, no good Jews. They take our wealth, food, and treasures. In return they leave us with criminals who lower our economic state. I am getting rid of these weeds so that my German people can bloom and flourish. 
So long for now
A. Hitler

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