I am infuriated to hear this. Hitler has
done horrible things and he obviously continues. Everybody that does not share
in his beliefs will be systematically executed. They will work until they can’t
work anymore then they will be killed.
Women and children will have things of the same done to them. They basic
rights are being violated in unspeakable ways. I know our world is not perfect,
we are far from perfect. But when this starts to happen something has gone
majorly wrong.
are you crazy? What has gotten into your head? Murdering millions of innocents
and Arbeit macht frei!! Work will never make them free! You are spooning them
lie after lie. They are the inferior race?? Perhaps German’s and japs are. Did
you ever think about that or are you to power thirsty? What is going wrong in your
head? Are the gears not turning?????? I am very mad!
-Ira Hayes
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